Standard Industrial Manufacturing values hard work. We are proud to say that our products are made in America, and that we reflect American values as we pride ourselves as being self reliant and independent. In this industry, we know the economic choice is the best choice. Our high quality, American-made and specialty manufactured fluid end expendables are the most durable. We deliver OEM parts available to fit nearly all manufacturers’ pumps. Standard Industrial Manufacturing makes versatile high quality frac plungers that are the right solution for your job.

Our precision ceramic plungers handle high pressure and high temperature, as well they allow for abrasion resistance and high hardness. As well, our centrifugal pumps are designed to offer simple and economic solutions to most all high capacity pumping applications that involve fluids including water, chemicals, and oil.

We take pride in our work. Our work ethic is proven in the quality of our fluid-end expendables for all major pump brands. We keep it simple. We are what we say and we say what we are.

Just ask our partners, industry leaders, that have kept us in business since 1979.

It is our goal to ensure our partners and customers are successful and that the life of their project is productive and profitable. We know your time is valuable and so is ours. At Standard Industrial Manufacturing, we keep client communication open, organized and efficient so you know exactly what to expect. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality customer service alongside high quality frac plungers, fluid end expendables, ceramic plungers and centrifugal pumps.

Pricing & PRODUCTS

Please browse our extensive line of fluid end expendables for plunger pumps and centrifugal pumps.

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